
Alena Tierbach

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Alena Tierbach

PhD Student

About Me

I am an interdisciplinary scientist with a deep interest in xenobiotic biotransformation and a flair for design. I have a wide knowledge base in mass spectrometry, molecular biology, and environmental sciences. I feel equally at home wherever you throw me into creative environment with the possibility to answer biological questions with the use of mass spectrometry.

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Curriculum Vitae

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Tierbach, A.; Groh, K. J.; Schönenberger, R.; Schirmer, K.; Suter, M. J. -F. (2018) Glutathione S-transferase protein expression in different life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio), Toxicological Sciences, 162(2), 702-712, doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfx293, Institutional Repository

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This member of staff no longer works at Eawag. Please contact for further information.

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Research Group


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Biotransformation processes and pathways in alternatives to animal testing

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