Info Day Special 2024: Identifying, preserving and promoting blue-green biodiversity
September 3, 2024, 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Dübendorf, AKADEMIE, Empa-Eawag Campus
Conclusion of the "Blue-Green Biodiversity" research initiative by Eawag and WSL
Human life and well-being depend largely on nature and its biodiversity. However, biodiversity is declining drastically due to human intervention. In the joint research initiative "Blue-Green Biodiversity", Eawag and WSL have investigated biodiversity at the interface between water and land. Working in interdisciplinary teams, the researchers investigated the question of why and how blue-green biodiversity is currently changing in Switzerland and worldwide.
An important aim of the research initiative was to provide policymakers and practitioners with a basis for developing suitable conservation measures in order to tackle the challenges of species loss in a rapid, targeted and holistic manner. In addition to blue-green ecosystems, the research initiative therefore also analysed sociological and political dimensions such as cooperation with the local population, authorities and politicians.
At the Info Day Special 2024, the two research institutes Eawag and will jointly present the results of selected projects from the research initiative and discuss them with the public.
Led by: Prof. Dr Florian Altermatt, Prof. Dr Catherine Graham
Course languages: German, French, English