News Detail
Planning aid for filters with granulated activated carbon
July 20, 2020 |
For Eawag trials, a sand filter cell at ARA Bülach is fed with granulated activated carbon instead of sand.
(Photo: Eawag)
PEAK-VSA course "Activated carbon for the elimination of trace substances – alternate techniques for GAC and PAC"
In addition to this topic, Eawag together with the VSA Platform Process Engineering Micropollutants organize a PEAK-VSA course on 24 November 2020. More information and course registration can be found on the PEAK course page.
Titelbild: Eawag
Original publication
Böhler, M.; Joss, A.; McArdell, C.; Meier, A. (2020) Hinweise zur Planung und Auslegung von diskontinuierlich gespülten GAK-Filtern zur Elimination organischer Spurenstoffe aus kommunalem Abwasser. Konsenspapier zum Ergebnis des Workshops vom 9.12.2019 an der Eawag, 5 p, Institutional Repository