
Business Model Innovation in Water and Sanitation Services

19 février 2017 - 22 février 2017

Chennai, India

Affordable sanitation and resource recovery from human waste remain a key challenge in most low-income countries. How can non-profit organisations, social businesses, profit-oriented firms, and public utilities create new and innovative business models to make sanitation service more sustainable? The course highlights different business model innovations across the entire sanitation value chain (e.g. toilet production and usage, emptying services, markets for products recovered from human waste).

The one-day workshop will be held during the 4th INTERNATIONAL FAECAL SLUDGE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE in Chennai, India, conference website. For further information and registration please contact:
Caroline Saul, caroline.saul@eawag.ch, at Eawag.

Lecturer: PD Dr. Heiko Gebauer