Archive News

May 8, 2014

May 8, 2014Ground breaking research by an international team of scientists has resulted in greater understanding of the effects of pesticides on aquatic invertebrates such as shrimps and snails.

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April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014In the summer 2013, Eawag and the Swiss Federal Institute for NBC-Protection (LABORATORY SPIEZ) have withdrawn sediment cores from Lake Biel and examined the sediment layers for radioactivity.

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April 4, 2014

April 4, 2014100 of the more than 700 Swiss wastewater treatment plants can be upgraded for the elimination of micropollutants, thanks to the positive decision of the Federal council.

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March 5, 2014

March 5, 2014Swiss watercourses contain a whole cocktail of pesticides. Of the 300 or so permitted and detectable active substances, over 100 have been discovered in water samples taken during an extensive screening process.

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February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014It has long been known that, in the form of free ions, silver particles can be highly toxic to aquatic organisms. Yet to this day, there is a lack of detailed knowledge about the doses required to trigger a response and how the organisms deal with this kind of stress.

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January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014Natural wetlands are well-known for their large share in global methane emissions via biological processes but until now it has not been investigated if wetlands could also be important emitters of trace elements.

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September 11, 2013

September 11, 2013The 6.5 million inhabitants of Vietnam’s capital, Hanoi, are facing a growing threat: as more and more water is pumped from a deep – previously uncontaminated – aquifer, arsenic‑laden water from shallow sediments is advancing towards the city’s wells..

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September 3, 2013

September 3, 2013Dübendorf/Leipzig. Researchers at Eawag, the Swiss aquatic research institute and colleagues from Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), have discovered a protein which transports chemicals out of the embryo of the zebrafish and in this way protects the embryo against toxic substances.

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August 22, 2013

August 22, 2013Arsenic-laden groundwater used for cooking and drinking could pose a risk to the health of almost 20 million people across China.

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July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013The Micropol & Ecohazard 2013 Conference came to an end on 20 June 2013. Over 350 participants from around 40 countries gathered together in Zurich at the invitation of the Eawag organisation committee and under the direction of Prof. Hansruedi Siegrist, to learn about the latest developments in the analysis, behaviour and elimination of micropollutants in the urban water cycle.

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