Department Surface Waters - Research and Management

Lac Léman Exploration (LéXPLORE)

LéXPLORE is a common project between Eawag, EPFL, University of Lausanne and University of Geneva. The LéXPLORE experimental platform is now installed on Lake Geneva for a period of 10 years near Pully, where the water depth is 110 m.

The platform is equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation to investigate lake processes as well as interactions between water and atmosphere. A suite of state-of-the-art instruments allow unprecedented simultaneous observations of coupled physico-biological processes.

This in-situ deployment of sensitive profiling instruments allow measurements at high temporal and spatial resolutions and enable observations of unparalleled frequency, long-term duration, continuity and reliability.

At the same time, the platform offers information from across the lake, by integrating in-situ data from the platform with remote sensing observations and modelling data (see also CORESIM and Datalakes project).

Virtual 360° tour on the platform

More information about LéXPLORE

Projects CORESIM and Datalakes

How to investigate the spatial variability in lakes?
Heterogeneous data platform for operational modeling and forecasting of Swiss lakes in collaboration with the Swiss Data Science Center.