News Detail

New amphipod species discovered

August 30, 2019 | Andri Bryner

Amphipods are among the most important invertebrate organisms in water. They have central ecological functions, for example as food for fish or in the degradation of leaves. Nevertheless, surprisingly little is known about these animals, which are between a few millimetres and a few centimetres in size. And despite very different requirements, the species are hardly differentiated in water monitoring.

Until a few years ago, experts in Switzerland spoke of around 20 species. Now a major project by Eawag, the University of Zurich, the Swiss Centre for the Cartography of the Fauna (CSCF) and the Swiss Entomological Society (SEG) has researched over 40 clearly different species. In the truest sense of the word, some species can be described as "brought to the surface", because many species live hidden in groundwater or in cave systems. The researchers have found six species worldwide for the first time as part of their monitoring. Drinking water suppliers, cave researchers and many other partners have helped.

Images, drawings and distribution maps (here Gammarus fossarum) are central parts of the book.

On Monday, 2 September, the authors of the study will present the monograph of amphipods in Switzerland published in the series "Fauna Helvetica". The book contains a current checklist, identification keys in German, French and English, species monographs with ecological and faunistic explanations, as well as distribution maps of all species. Thus it should serve as a basis for research activities and for the use of amphipods in biodiversity analyses, water ecology, water protection and ecotoxicology. An app for mobile phones with an identification key is already in preparation. Find out more about the exciting search for the little crayfish at the event and get your copy of the book.

Public book launch on Monday, 2 September 2019, 17.30 in the Eawag Forum Chriesbach, Dübendorf.