Abteilung Aquatische Ökologie

Zooplankton Ökologie und Evolution

Unsere Gruppe befindet sich an der Eawag in Dübendorf, ist aber auch Teil des Instituts für Integrative Biologie (IBZ) am Departement Umweltsystemwissenschaften (D-USYS) der ETH Zürich.

Unsere Forschungsfragen beziehen sich auf die Dynamik und Funktion von Zooplanktonpopulationen und Prozesse, welche die genetische Variation beeinflussen. Besonders sind wir an evolutionsökologischen Fragen in Hybridsystemen interessiert. Unter anderem untersuchen wir, wie Prädation (Interaktion durch Kairomone), Überlebensstrategien, Parasiten und lokale Adaption die Fitness von Hybriden und Elternarten beeinflussen. Seit kurzem verknüpfen wir auch evolutionäre Konzepte mit ökotoxikologischen Ansätzen. In unseren Experimenten verwenden wir einen multidisziplinären Ansatz, welcher experimentelle Arbeit mit Feldstudien und Populationsgenetik kombiniert. Dabei verwenden wir hauptsächlich den Wassersfloh Daphnia als Modellorganismus.

Masterstudenten und Studierende im Grundstudium sind herzlich willkommen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der persönlichen Seite von Piet Spaak.

Laufende Projekte

Ein Projekt zur Entwicklung eines Quaggamuschel Monitoringkonzepts und der Unterstützung von Präventions- und Schutzmassnahmen in der Schweiz
Understanding how natural enemies affect diversity

Host - parasite interactions in hybridizing Daphnia

This project aims at sequencing a member of the subgenus Hyalodaphnia, which are the Daphnia that are predominantly found in European lakes.
Ziel dieses Interreg-Projekts ist es, zu verstehen wie der Bodensees auf sich ändernde Umweltbedingungen reagiert.
Dieses Projekt hat das Ziel den Einfluss der invasiven Quaggamuschel auf das Nahrungsnetz zu verstehen.
Ziel dieses Projektes ist es die ungewöhnlich hohe Abundanz von Stichlingen im Bodensee zu erkunden.

Aktuelle Publikationen

Flämig, S., Bourqui, M., Alexander, J., Sturm, L., Wellauer, N., & Spaak, P. (2024). Moule Quagga: concept de monitoring et recommandations sur les mesures de prévention et de protection. doi:10.55408/eawag:33820, Institutional Repository
Flämig, S., Bourqui, M., Alexander, J., Sturm, L., Wellauer, N., & Spaak, P. (2024). Quaggamuschel: Monitoringkonzept und Empfehlungen zu Präventions- und Schutzmassnahmen. doi:10.55408/eawag:33819, Institutional Repository
Haltiner, L., Spaak, P., Dennis, S. R., & Feulner, P. G. D. (2024). Population genetic insights into establishment, adaptation, and dispersal of the invasive quagga mussel across perialpine lakes. Evolutionary Applications, 17(1), e13620 (16 pp.). doi:10.1111/eva.13620, Institutional Repository
Jeevannavar, A., Narwani, A., Matthews, B., Spaak, P., Brantschen, J., Mächler, E., … Tamminen, M. (2024). Foundation species stabilize an alternative eutrophic state in nutrient-disturbed ponds via selection on microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 15, 1310374 (14 pp.). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2024.1310374, Institutional Repository
Rajarajan, A., Decaestecker, E., Bulteel, L., Walser, J. C., Spaak, P., & Wolinska, J. (2024). Host genotype and infection status interact to shape microbiomes in Daphnia magna. Parasitology, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0031182024000787, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Alexander, J., Baehni, L., Burlakova, L. E., Dennis, S. R., Feulner, P. G. D., … Stöckli, R. (2024). Voralpine Seen und Trinkwasserversorgung durch Muscheln bedroht. Wasserwirtschaft Wassertechnik wwt, 3, 73-79. , Institutional Repository
Alexander, J., Spaak, P., Möst, M., Straile, D., & Hetzenauer, H. (2023). Ökosystemforschung am Bodensee. Abschluss des Forschungsprojekts "Seewandel: Leben im Bodensee - gestern, heute und morgen". Aqua & Gas, 103(6), 54-59. , Institutional Repository
Haltiner, L., Rossbacher, S., Alexander, J., Dennis, S. R., & Spaak, P. (2023). Life in a changing environment: dreissenids' feeding response to different temperature. Hydrobiologia, 850, 4879-4890. doi:10.1007/s10750-023-05360-x, Institutional Repository
Hudson, C. M., Cuenca Cambronero, M., Moosmann, M., Narwani, A., Spaak, P., Seehausen, O., & Matthews, B. (2023). Environmentally independent selection for hybrids between divergent freshwater stickleback lineages in semi-natural ponds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36(8), 1166-1184. doi:10.1111/jeb.14194, Institutional Repository
Kraemer, B. M., Boudet, S., Burlakova, L. E., Haltiner, L., Ibelings, B. W., Karatayev, A. Y., … Spaak, P. (2023). An abundant future for quagga mussels in deep European lakes. Environmental Research Letters, 18(12), 124008 (11 pp.). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ad059f, Institutional Repository
Rajarajan, A., Wolinska, J., Walser, J. C., Dennis, S. R., & Spaak, P. (2023). Host-associated bacterial communities vary between Daphnia galeata genotypes but not by host genetic distance. Microbial Ecology, 85(4), 1578-1589. doi:10.1007/s00248-022-02011-x, Institutional Repository
Rajarajan, A. (2023). Integrating host-microbiota dynamics with disease ecology in the model Daphnia (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000608900, Institutional Repository
Rey, P., Bosch, N., Alexander, J., DeWeber, J. T., Feulner, P. G. D., Frei, D., … Spaak, P. (2023). Felchen im Bodensee - gestern, heute, morgen. Aqua & Gas, 103(7-8), 82-88. , Institutional Repository
Rey, P., Bosch, N., Bader, S., Scholz, B., Alexander, J., Spaak, P., & Brinker, A. (2023). Fischbestände des Bodensees. Seewandel-Projekte zeigen Komplexe zusammenhänge zwischen Wirkfaktoren und Fischbestand. Aqua & Gas, 103(7-8), 74-81. , Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Alexander, J., Bosch, N., Ogorelec, Ž., Straile, D., & Rey, P. (2023). Kleiner Fisch mit grosser Wirkung. Wie der Stichling den Lebensraum Bodensee verändert hat. Aqua & Gas, 103(7-8), 90-96. , Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Alexander, J., Baehni, L., Burlakova, L. E., Dennis, S. R., Feulner, P. G. D., … Stöckli, R. (2023). Quaggamuscheln bedrohen Voralpine Seen. Grundlegende Veränderungen der Seen möglich. Aqua & Gas, 103(6), 60-65. , Institutional Repository
Zhang, H., Haltiner, L., Kaeser, S., Dennis, S. R., Rothhaupt, K. O., Kraemer, B. M., & Spaak, P. (2023). Veliger density and environmental conditions control quagga mussel colonization rates in two perialpine lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 49(4), 809-820. doi:10.1016/j.jglr.2023.05.001, Institutional Repository
Bryner, A., & Spaak, P. (2022). Hauslabor für die Eawag-Wasserforschung. In F. Gartmann & F. Auderset (Eds.), Neujahrsblatt der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich NGZH: Vol. 224. Der Greifensee. Symbiose von Naherholung und Naturschutz? (pp. 44-56). Fällanden: Verband zum Schutz des Greifensees. , Institutional Repository
Ehmann, H., Hetzenauer, H., Härtl-Brandl, K., Hutter, G., Kuhn, G., Noffke, A., … Wolf, T. (2022). Limnologischer Zustand des Bodensees. A - aktueller Teil. B - Jahresbericht 2020/2021 (Jahresbericht der internationalen Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee: limnologischer Zustand des Bodensees, Report No.: 44). Augsburg: Internationale Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee (IGKB). , Institutional Repository
Haltiner, L., Zhang, H., Anneville, O., De Ventura, L., DeWeber, J. T., Hesselschwerdt, J., … Dennis, S. R. (2022). The distribution and spread of quagga mussels in perialpine lakes north of the Alps. Aquatic Invasions, 17(2), 153-173. doi:10.3391/ai.2022.17.2.02, Institutional Repository
Rajarajan, A., Wolinska, J., Walser, J. C., Mäder, M., & Spaak, P. (2022). Infection by a eukaryotic gut parasite in wild Daphnia sp. associates with a distinct bacterial community. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 98(10), fiac097 (9 pp.). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiac097, Institutional Repository
Sendek, A., Baity-Jesi, M., Altermatt, F., Bader, M. K. F., Liebhold, A. M., Turner, R. M., … Brockerhoff, E. G. (2022). Fewer non-native insects in freshwater than in terrestrial habitats across continents. Diversity and Distributions, 28(11), 2303-2315. doi:10.1111/ddi.13622, Institutional Repository
Govaert, L., De Meester, L., Spaak, P., & Hairston Jr., N. G. (2021). Eco-evolutionary dynamics in freshwater systems. In T. Mehner & K. Tockner (Eds.), Vol. 1. Encyclopedia of inland waters (pp. 302-316). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00028-1, Institutional Repository
Hudson, C. M., Lucek, K., Marques, D. A., Alexander, T. J., Moosmann, M., Spaak, P., … Matthews, B. (2021). Threespine stickleback in Lake Constance: the ecology and genomic substrate of a recent invasion. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 611672 (22 pp.). doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.611672, Institutional Repository
Lürig, M. D., Narwani, A., Penson, H., Wehrli, B., Spaak, P., & Matthews, B. (2021). Non‐additive effects of foundation species determine the response of aquatic ecosystems to nutrient perturbation. Ecology, 102(7), e03371 (14 pp.). doi:10.1002/ecy.3371, Institutional Repository
Moza, M. I., Postolache, C., Benedek, A. M., Moldoveanu, M., & Spaak, P. (2021). Geographical and temporal patterns of cyanobacterial assemblages in the Danube Delta lake complexes. Hydrobiologia, 848, 753-771. doi:10.1007/s10750-020-04466-w, Institutional Repository
Stibor, H., Hairston Jr., N., Santer, B., Sommer, U., Spaak, P., & Weider, L. J. (2021). Winfried Lampert - international visionary for the aquatic sciences. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 30(3), 107-113. doi:10.1002/lob.10452, Institutional Repository
Haltiner, L., Hänggi, C., Spaak, P., & Dennis, S. R. (2020). Sex in crowded places: population density regulates reproductive strategy. Hydrobiologia, 847, 1727-1738. doi:10.1007/s10750-019-04143-7, Institutional Repository
Lu, Y., Ocaña-Pallarès, E., López-Escardó, D., Dennis, S. R., Monaghan, M. T., Ruiz-Trillo, I., … Wolinska, J. (2020). Revisiting the phylogenetic position of Caullerya mesnili (Ichthyosporea), a common Daphnia parasite, based on 22 protein-coding genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 151, 106891 (8 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2020.106891, Institutional Repository
Matthews, B., Jokela, J., Narwani, A., Räsänen, K., Pomati, F., Altermatt, F., … Vorburger, C. (2020). On biological evolution and environmental solutions. Science of the Total Environment, 724, 138194 (7 pp.). doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138194, Institutional Repository
Enache, I., Florescu, L. I., Moldoveanu, M., Moza, M. I., Parpală, L., Sandu, C., … Spaak, P. (2019). Diversity and distribution of Daphnia across space and time in Danube Delta lakes explained by food quality and abundance. Hydrobiologia, 842(1), 39-54. doi:10.1007/s10750-019-04025-y, Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E., Spaak, P., & Pomati, F. (2019). High dispersal levels and lake warming are emergent drivers of cyanobacterial community assembly in peri-Alpine lakes. Scientific Reports, 9, 7366 (8 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-43814-2, Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E., Spaak, P., & Pomati, F. (2019). Long term diversity and distribution of non-photosynthetic cyanobacteria in peri-Alpine lakes. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 3344 (11 pp.). doi:10.3389/fmicb.2018.03344, Institutional Repository
Narwani, A., Reyes, M., Pereira, A. L., Penson, H., Dennis, S. R., Derrer, S., … Matthews, B. (2019). Interactive effects of foundation species on ecosystem functioning and stability in response to disturbance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1913), 20191857 (10 pp.). doi:10.1098/rspb.2019.1857, Institutional Repository
Schaffner, L. R., Govaert, L., De Meester, L., Ellner, S. P., Fairchild, E., Miner, B. E., … Hairston, N. G. J. (2019). Consumer-resource dynamics is an eco-evolutionary process in a natural plankton community. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3(9), 1351-1358. doi:10.1038/s41559-019-0960-9, Institutional Repository
Turko, P., Wolinska, J., Tellenbach, C., Dziuba, M. K., Monchamp, M. E., & Spaak, P. (2019). Using DNA from formaldehyde-preserved Daphnia to reconstruct past populations. Hydrobiologia, 841(1), 153-161. doi:10.1007/s10750-019-04015-0, Institutional Repository
Fontana, S., Thomas, M. K., Moldoveanu, M., Spaak, P., & Pomati, F. (2018). Individual-level trait diversity predicts phytoplankton community properties better than species richness or evenness. ISME Journal, 12, 356-366. doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.160, Institutional Repository
Haltiner, L. (2018). Does Daphnia density determine demographic destiny? (Master thesis). 46 p. , Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E., Spaak, P., Domaizon, I., Dubois, N., Bouffard, D., & Pomati, F. (2018). Homogenization of lake cyanobacterial communities over a century of climate change and eutrophication. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2, 317-324. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0407-0, Institutional Repository
Turko, P., Tellenbach, C., Keller, E., Tardent, N., Keller, B., Spaak, P., & Wolinska, J. (2018). Parasites driving host diversity: incidence of disease correlated with Daphnia clonal turnover. Evolution, International Journal of Organic Evolution, 72(3), 619-629. doi:10.1111/evo.13413, Institutional Repository
Hänggi, C. (2017). Population genomics of Daphnia galeata during decades of environmental change (Master thesis). 57 p. , Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E. (2017). Sedimentary DNA reveals centuries of hidden diversity in lake cyanobacterial communities (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000166606, Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E., Enache, I., Turko, P., Pomati, F., Rîşnnoveanu, G., & Spaak, P. (2017). Sedimentary and egg-bank DNA from 3 European lakes reveal concurrent changes in the composition and diversity of cyanobacterial and Daphnia communities. Hydrobiologia, 800, 155-172. doi:10.1007/s10750-017-3247-7, Institutional Repository
Reyes, M., Spaak, P., & Pomati, F. (2017). Test of in situ (underwater) automated imaging, as provided by the Scripps Plankton Camera, for monitoring and analysis of lake phytoplankton. Dübendorf: Eawag. , Institutional Repository
Tardent, N., Tellenbach, C., Turko, P., & Spaak, P. (2017). Clonal structure and depth selection during a Caullerya mesnili epidemic in a hybridizing population of the Daphnia longispina complex. Hydrobiologia, 798(1), 33-44. doi:10.1007/s10750-015-2632-3, Institutional Repository
Alric, B., Möst, M., Domaizon, I., Pignol, C., Spaak, P., & Perga, M. E. (2016). Local human pressures influence gene flow in a hybridizing Daphnia species complex. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29(4), 720-735. doi:10.1111/jeb.12820, Institutional Repository
Drugă, B., Turko, P., Spaak, P., & Pomati, F. (2016). Cyanobacteria affect fitness and genetic structure of experimental Daphnia populations. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(7), 3416-3424. doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b05973, Institutional Repository
González-Tortuero, E., Rusek, J., Turko, P., Petrusek, A., Maayan, I., Piálek, L., … Wolinska, J. (2016). Daphnia parasite dynamics across multiple Caullerya epidemics indicate selection against common parasite genotypes. Zoology, 119, 314-321. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2016.04.003, Institutional Repository
Monchamp, M. E., Walser, J. C., Pomati, F., & Spaak, P. (2016). Sedimentary DNA reveals cyanobacterial community diversity over 200 years in two perialpine lakes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(21), 6472-6482. doi:10.1128/AEM.02174-16, Institutional Repository
Tellenbach, C., Tardent, N., Pomati, F., Keller, B., Hairston Jr., N. G., Wolinska, J., & Spaak, P. (2016). Cyanobacteria facilitate parasite epidemics in Daphnia. Ecology, 97(12), 3422-3432. doi:10.1002/ecy.1576, Institutional Repository
Turko, P. W. (2016). Decade-scale evolution of the model organism Daphnia (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010868901, Institutional Repository
Turko, P., Sigg, L., Hollender, J., & Spaak, P. (2016). Rapid evolutionary loss of metal resistance revealed by hatching decades-old eggs. Evolution, International Journal of Organic Evolution, 70(2), 398-407. doi:10.1111/evo.12859, Institutional Repository
Möst, M., Chiaia-Hernandez, A. C., Frey, M. P., Hollender, J., & Spaak, P. (2015). A mixture of environmental organic contaminants in lake sediments affects hatching from Daphnia resting eggs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(2), 338-345. doi:10.1002/etc.2808, Institutional Repository
Möst, M., Oexle, S., Marková, S., Aidukaite, D., Baumgartner, L., Stich, H. B., … Spaak, P. (2015). Population genetic dynamics of an invasion reconstructed from the sediment egg bank. Molecular Ecology, 24(16), 4074-4093. doi:10.1111/mec.13298, Institutional Repository
Petchey, O. L., Pontarp, M., Massie, T. M., Kéfi, S., Ozgul, A., Weilenmann, M., … Pearse, I. S. (2015). The ecological forecast horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters, 18(7), 597-611. doi:10.1111/ele.12443, Institutional Repository
Rusek, J., Ayan, G. B., Turko, P., Tellenbach, C., Giessler, S., Spaak, P., & Wolinska, J. (2015). New possibilities arise for studies of hybridization: SNP-based markers for the multi-species Daphnia longispina complex derived from transcriptome data. Journal of Plankton Research, 37(3), 626-635. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv028, Institutional Repository
Schilder, J., Tellenbach, C., Möst, M., Spaak, P., van Hardenbroek, M., Wooller, M. J., & Heiri, O. (2015). The stable isotopic composition of Daphnia ephippia reflects changes in δ13C and δ18O values of food and water. Biogeosciences, 12(12), 3819-3830. doi:10.5194/bg-12-3819-2015, Institutional Repository
Van Den Wyngaert, S., Möst, M., Freimann, R., Ibelings, B. W., & Spaak, P. (2015). Hidden diversity in the freshwater planktonic diatom Asterionella formosa. Molecular Ecology, 24(12), 2955-2972. doi:10.1111/mec.13218, Institutional Repository
Gambaro, G. (2014). Genetic development and spatial patterns of Lake Greifen’s European D. pulicaria in the early stages of invasion (Bachelor thesis). 28 p. , Institutional Repository
Hernandez Ramirez, A. C. (2014). Temporal records of organic contaminants in lake sediments, their bioconcentration and effect on Daphnia resting eggs (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010108488, Institutional Repository
Schoebel, C. N., Auld, S. K. J. R., Spaak, P., & Little, T. J. (2014). Effects of juvenile host density and food availability on adult immune response, parasite resistance and virulence in a Daphnia-parasite system. PLoS One, 9(4), e94569 (9 pp.). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094569, Institutional Repository
Tardent, N. (2014). The involvement of cyanobacteria in Daphnia parasite epidemics (Master thesis). 92 p. , Institutional Repository
Van den Wyngaert, S., Vanholsbeeck, O., Spaak, P., & Ibelings, B. W. (2014). Parasite fitness traits under environmental variation: disentangling the roles of a chytrid's immediate host and external environment. Microbial Ecology, 68(3), 645-656. doi:10.1007/s00248-014-0434-1, Institutional Repository
Chiaia-Hernandez, A. C., Ashauer, R., Moest, M., Hollingshaus, T., Jeon, J., Spaak, P., & Hollender, J. (2013). Bioconcentration of organic contaminants in Daphnia resting eggs. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(18), 10667-10675. doi:10.1021/es401763d, Institutional Repository
Manca, M., & Spaak, P. (2013). Cladocera. Preface. Hydrobiologia, 715(1), 1 (4 pp.). doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1620-8, Institutional Repository
Möst, M., Petrusek, A., Sommaruga, R., Juračka, P. J., Slusarczyk, M., Manca, M., & Spaak, P. (2013). At the edge and on the top: molecular identification and ecology of Daphnia dentifera and D. longispina in high-altitude Asian lakes. Hydrobiologia, 715(1), 51-62. doi:10.1007/s10750-012-1311-x, Institutional Repository
Möst, M. H. (2013). Environmental change and its impact on hybridising Daphnia species complexes (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-010076219, Institutional Repository
Van den Wyngaert, S., Gsell, A. S., Spaak, P., & Ibelings, B. W. (2013). Herbicides in the environment alter infection dynamics in a microbial host-parasite system. Environmental Microbiology, 15(3), 837-847. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02874.x, Institutional Repository
Buser, C. C., Jansen, M., Pauwels, K., De Meester, L., & Spaak, P. (2012). Combined exposure to parasite and pesticide causes increased mortality in the water flea Daphnia. Aquatic Ecology, 46(2), 261-268. doi:10.1007/s10452-012-9397-9, Institutional Repository
Buser, C. C., Spaak, P., & Wolinska, J. (2012). Disease and pollution alter Daphnia taxonomic and clonal structure in experimental assemblages. Freshwater Biology, 57(9), 1865-1874. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2012.02846.x, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Vonlanthen, P. (2012). How aquatic ecosystems are altered by nutrients. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 72, 4-7. , Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Fox, J., & Hairston Jr., N. G. (2012). Modes and mechanisms of a Daphnia invasion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 279(1740), 2936-2944. doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.0280, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Vonlanthen, P. (2012). Wie Nährstoffe Gewässer verändern. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 72, 4-7. , Institutional Repository
Van den Wyngaert, S. (2012). Host -parasite - herbicide interactions in lake phytoplankton: an eco-evolutionary approach (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-007612714, Institutional Repository
Buser, C. C. (2011). Dirty water and disease: pesticide mediated interactions between Daphnia and their parasites (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-006713645, Institutional Repository
Dumont, H. J., Havel, J. E., Gulati, R., & Spaak, P. (2011). Preface. Hydrobiologia, 668(1), 1-2. doi:10.1007/s10750-011-0710-8, Institutional Repository
Kretschmann, A., Ashauer, R., Hitzfeld, K., Spaak, P., Hollender, J., & Escher, B. I. (2011). Mechanistic toxicodynamic model for receptor-mediated toxicity of diazoxon, the active metabolite of diazinon, in Daphnia magna. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(11), 4980-4987. doi:10.1021/es1042386, Institutional Repository
Kretschmann, A., Ashauer, R., Preuss, T. G., Spaak, P., Escher, B. I., & Hollender, J. (2011). Toxicokinetic model describing bioconcentration and biotransformation of diazinon in Daphnia magna. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(11), 4995-5002. doi:10.1021/es104324v, Institutional Repository
Rellstab, C., Keller, B., Girardclos, S., Anselmetti, F. S., & Spaak, P. (2011). Anthropogenic eutrophication shapes the past and present taxonomic composition of hybridizing Daphnia in unproductive lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 56(1), 292-302. doi:10.4319/lo.2011.56.1.0292, Institutional Repository
Schoebel, C. N., Tellenbach, C., Spaak, P., & Wolinska, J. (2011). Temperature effects on parasite prevalence in a natural hybrid complex. Biology Letters, 7(1), 108-111. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2010.0616, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Spaak, P., Koerner, H., Petrusek, A., Seda, J., & Giessler, S. (2011). Transmission mode affects the population genetic structure of Daphnia parasites. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24(2), 265-273. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2010.02163.x, Institutional Repository
Brede, N., & Spaak, P. (2010). Daphnia populations affected by eutrophication. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 68, 8-10. , Institutional Repository
Brede, N., & Spaak, P. (2010). Überdüngung verändert die Daphniengemeinschaft. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 68, 8-10. , Institutional Repository
Schoebel, C. N., Wolinska, J., & Spaak, P. (2010). Higher parasite resistance in Daphnia populations with recent epidemics. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23(11), 2370-2376. doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2010.02097.x, Institutional Repository
Schoebel, C. N. (2010). Host-parasite interactions in Daphnia - the role of variable environments (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-006358390, Institutional Repository
Brede, N., Sandrock, C., Straile, D., Spaak, P., Jankowski, T., Streit, B., & Schwenk, K. (2009). The impact of human-made ecological changes on the genetic architecture of Daphnia species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS, 106(12), 4758-4763. doi:10.1073/pnas.0807187106, Institutional Repository
Rellstab, C., & Spaak, P. (2009). Lake origin determines Daphnia population growth under winter conditions. Journal of Plankton Research, 31(3), 261-271. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbn120, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., & Spaak, P. (2009). The cost of being common: evidence from natural Daphnia populations. Evolution, International Journal of Organic Evolution, 63(7), 1893-1901. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00663.x, Institutional Repository
Bernasconi, S., Jokela, J., Schubert, R., Bey, I., Bolliger, J., Rigling, A., … Widmer, A. (2008). CCES report 2006 to 2008. (N. Gotsch, D. Giardini, & G. Schenk, Eds.). Retrieved from http://www.cces.ethz.ch/about/downloads.html, Institutional Repository
Filella, M., Rellstab, C., Chanudet, V., & Spaak, P. (2008). Effect of the filter feeder Daphnia on the particle size distribution of inorganic colloids in freshwaters. Water Research, 42(8–9), 1919-1924. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2007.11.021, Institutional Repository
Keller, B., Wolinska, J., Manca, M., & Spaak, P. (2008). Spatial, environmental and anthropogenic effects on the taxon composition of hybridizing Daphnia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 363(1505), 2943-2952. doi:10.1098/rstb.2008.0044, Institutional Repository
Rellstab, C. (2008). Life at low food - population dynamics and genetic structure of Daphnia in ultra-oligotrophic Lake Brienz (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-005555288, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Lively, C. M., & Spaak, P. (2008). Parasites in hybridizing communities: the Red Queen again?. Trends in Parasitology, 24(3), 121-126. doi:10.1016/j.pt.2007.11.010, Institutional Repository
Keller, B., Wolinska, J., Tellenbach, C., & Spaak, P. (2007). Reproductive isolation keeps hybridizing Daphnia species distinct. Limnology and Oceanography, 52(3), 984-991. doi:10.4319/lo.2007.52.3.0984, Institutional Repository
Rellstab, C., & Spaak, P. (2007). Starving with a full gut? Effect of suspended particles on the fitness of Daphnia hyalina. Hydrobiologia, 594(1), 131-139. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9089-y, Institutional Repository
Rellstab, C., Maurer, V., Zeh, M., Bürgi, H. R., & Spaak, P. (2007). Temporary collapse of the Daphnia population in turbid and ultra-oligotrophic Lake Brienz. Aquatic Sciences, 69(2), 257-270. doi:10.1007/s00027-007-0872-7, Institutional Repository
Skage, M., Hobæk, A., Ruthová, Š., Keller, B., Petrusek, A., Sed'a, J., & Spaak, P. (2007). Intra-specific rDNA-ITS restriction site variation and an improved protocol to distinguish species and hybrids in the Daphnia longispina complex. Hydrobiologia, 594(1), 19-32. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9090-5, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P. (2007). Cladocera. Preface. Hydrobiologia, 594(1), 1-3. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9134-x, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Keller, B. (2007). Diapause and its consequences in the Daphnia galeata-cucullata-hyalina species complex. In V. R. Alekseev, B. T. De Stasio, & J. J. Gilbert (Eds.), Monographiae biologicae: Vol. 84. Diapause in aquatic invertebrates. Theory and human use (pp. 177-185). doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-5680-2_11, Institutional Repository
Tellenbach, C., Wolinska, J., & Spaak, P. (2007). Epidemiology of a Daphnia brood parasite and its implications on host life-history traits. Oecologia, 154(2), 369-375. doi:10.1007/s00442-007-0826-8, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Keller, B., Manca, M., & Spaak, P. (2007). Parasite survey of a Daphnia hybrid complex: host-specificity and environment determine infection. Journal of Animal Ecology, 76(1), 191-200. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2006.01177.x, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Löffler, A., & Spaak, P. (2007). Taxon-specific reaction norms to predator cues in a hybrid Daphnia complex. Freshwater Biology, 52(7), 1198-1209. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2007.01757.x, Institutional Repository
Brede, N., Thielsch, A., Sandrock, C., Spaak, P., Keller, B., Streit, B., & Schwenk, K. (2006). Microsatellite markers for European Daphnia. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6(2), 536-539. doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2005.01218.x, Institutional Repository
Caduff-Kinkel, M. (2006). The infectiousness of sediment from Greifensee for Daphnia (Master thesis). 61 p. , Institutional Repository
De Meester, L., Vanoverbeke, J., De Gelas, K., Ortells, R., & Spaak, P. (2006). Genetic structure of cyclic parthenogenetic zooplankton populations - a conceptual framework. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 167(1-4), 217-244. doi:10.1127/0003-9136/2006/0167-0217, Institutional Repository
Keller, B. (2006). Extent of hybridization and reproductive isolation in Daphnia (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-005301318, Institutional Repository
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Spaak, P., & Boersma, M. (2006). Predator mediated coexistence of hybrid and parental Daphnia taxa. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 167(1-4), 55-76. doi:10.1127/0003-9136/2006/0167-0055, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J. (2006). Parasites and predators structure hybridizing Daphnia communities (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-005296062, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Bittner, K., Ebert, D., & Spaak, P. (2006). The coexistence of hybrid and parental Daphnia: the role of parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1596), 1977-1983. doi:10.1098/rspb.2006.3523, Institutional Repository
Lass, S., Vos, M., Wolinska, J., & Spaak, P. (2005). Hatching with the enemy: Daphnia diapausing eggs hatch in the presence of fish kairomones. Chemoecology, 15(1), 7-12. doi:10.1007/s00049-005-0286-8, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Robinson, C. T., Spaak, P., & Ward, J. V. (2005). Macroinvertebrate diversity in fragmented Alpine streams: implications for freshwater conservation. Aquatic Sciences, 67(4), 454-464. doi:10.1007/s00027-005-0787-0, Institutional Repository
Tellenbach, C. (2005). The influence of a fungal brood parasite on life-history traits of its Daphnia host (Master thesis). 31 p. , Institutional Repository
Engeler, L. (2004). Vergleich der lentischen Ökosysteme zweier hochalpinen Seenplatten im Engadin (Master thesis). 113 p. , Institutional Repository
Gili, M., Monaghan, M. T., & Spaak, P. (2004). Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) reveals species-specific markers in the Daphnia galeata–hyalina species complex. Hydrobiologia, 526(1), 63-71. doi:10.1023/B:HYDR.0000041613.30678.56, Institutional Repository
Keller, B., & Spaak, P. (2004). Nonrandom sexual reproduction and diapausing egg production in a Daphnia hybrid species complex. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4), 1393-1400. doi:10.4319/lo.2004.49.4_part_2.1393, Institutional Repository
Lorke, A., McGinnis, D. F., Spaak, P., & Wüest, A. (2004). Acoustic observations of zooplankton in lakes using a Doppler current profiler. Freshwater Biology, 49(10), 1280-1292. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01267.x, Institutional Repository
Löffler, A., Wolinska, J., Keller, B., Rothhaupt, K. O., & Spaak, P. (2004). Life history patterns of parental and hybrid Daphnia differ between lakes. Freshwater Biology, 49(10), 1372-1380. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01272.x, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Keller, B. (2004). No evidence for adaptive micro-evolution to a decrease in phosphorus-loading of a Daphnia population inhabiting a pre-alpine lake. Hydrobiologia, 526(1), 15-21. doi:10.1023/B:HYDR.0000041618.25389.ec, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Denk, A., Boersma, M., & Weider, L. J. (2004). Spatial and temporal patterns of sexual reproduction in a hybrid Daphnia species complex. Journal of Plankton Research, 26(6), 625-635. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh064, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Engeler, L., & Winder, M. (2004). Überlebensstrategien der Wasserflöhe in Bergseen: Störfaktor Mensch. Cratschla (2), 21-23. , Institutional Repository
Winder, M., Spaak, P., & Mooij, W. M. (2004). Trade-offs in Daphnia habitat selection. Ecology, 85(7), 2027-2036. doi:10.1890/03-3108, Institutional Repository
Wolinska, J., Keller, B., Bittner, K., Lass, S., & Spaak, P. (2004). Do parasites lower Daphnia hybrid fitness?. Limnology and Oceanography, 49(4), 1401-1407. doi:10.4319/lo.2004.49.4_part_2.1401, Institutional Repository
Lass, S., & Spaak, P. (2003). Chemically induced anti-predator defences in plankton: a review. Hydrobiologia, 491(1), 221-239. doi:10.1023/A:1024487804497, Institutional Repository
Lass, S., & Spaak, P. (2003). Temperature effects on chemical signalling in a predator-prey system. Freshwater Biology, 48(4), 669-677. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2003.01038.x, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Spaak, P., & Robinson, C. T. (2003). Fragmentation des habitats et diversité génétique. Ce que nous l'étude des insectes aquatiques alpins. Eawag News [éd. fr.], 54, 28-30. , Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Spaak, P., & Robinson, C. T. (2003). Habitatfragmentierung und genetische Diversität. Was können wir durch das Studium alpiner aquatischer Insekten lernen. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 54, 28-30. , Institutional Repository
Winder, M., & Spaak, P. (2003). Genetic diversity of Daphnia in alpine lakes. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 56, 22-23. , Institutional Repository
Winder, M., & Spaak, P. (2003). Genetische Diversität von Daphnien in alpinen Seen. Eawag News [dtsch. Ausg.], 56, 22-23. , Institutional Repository
Winder, M., & Spaak, P. (2003). La diversité génétique des daphnies dans les lacs alpins. Eawag News [éd. fr.], 56, 22-23. , Institutional Repository
Winder, M., Bürgi, H. R., & Spaak, P. (2003). Mechanisms regulating zooplankton populations in a high-mountain lake. Freshwater Biology, 48(5), 795-809. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2003.01054.x, Institutional Repository
Winder, M., Boersma, M., & Spaak, P. (2003). On the cost of vertical migration: are feeding conditions really worse at greater depths?. Freshwater Biology, 48(3), 383-393. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.2003.00995.x, Institutional Repository
Winder, M., Bürgi, H. R., & Spaak, P. (2003). Seasonal vertical distribution of phytoplankton and copepod species in a high-mountain lake. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 158(2), 197-213. doi:10.1127/0003-9136/2003/0158-0197, Institutional Repository
Keller, B., Bürgi, H. R., Sturm, M., & Spaak, P. (2002). Ephippia and Daphnia abundances under changing throphic conditions. R. G. Wetzel (Ed.), Verhandlungen, Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Vol. 28. (pp. 851-855). Presented at the 28th congress of the international association of theoretical and applied limnology. doi:10.1080/03680770.2001.11901834, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Spaak, P., & Robinson, C. T. (2002). Habitat fragmentation and genetic diversity. What we can learn by studying alpine aquatic insects. Eawag News [engl. ed.], 54, 24-26. , Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T. (2002). Habitat fragmentation of alpine streams: implications for genetic structure and species diversity of aquatic insects (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-004385646, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Spaak, P., Robinson, C. T., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Population genetic structure of 3 alpine stream insects: influences of gene flow, demographics, and habitat fragmentation. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 21(1), 114-131. doi:10.2307/1468304, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Hieber, M., Robinson, C. T., Spaak, P., & Ward, J. V. (2002). Spatial patterns of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera diversity in fragmented alpine streams. Verhandlungen, Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Vol. 28. (pp. 1429-1435). Presented at the 28th congress of the international association of theoretical and applied limnology. doi:10.1080/03680770.2001.11902691, Institutional Repository
Winder, M., & Spaak, P. (2002). Effects of natural UV radiation on the life history of alpine Daphnia. R. G. Wetzel (Ed.), Verhandlungen, Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Vol. 28. (pp. 355-359). Presented at the 28th congress of the international association of theoretical and applied limnology. doi:10.1080/03680770.2001.11902603, Institutional Repository
Winder, M. (2002). Zooplankton ecology in high-mountain lakes (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-004339435, Institutional Repository
Barthelmes, T. (2001). Räumliche und zeitliche Muster in der genetischen Populationsstruktur von Acrophylax zerberus (Trichoptera) in alpinen Schwemmebenen (Master thesis). 47 p. , Institutional Repository
Lass, S., Boersma, M., Wiltshire, K. H., Spaak, P., & Boriss, H. (2001). Does trimethylamine induce life-history reactions in Daphnia?. Hydrobiologia, 442(1), 199-206. doi:10.1023/A:1017538524539, Institutional Repository
Lass, S. (2001). The scent of danger: chemical signalling and inducible defences in a predator-prey system (Doctoral dissertation). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-004296425, Institutional Repository
Monaghan, M. T., Spaak, P., Robinson, C. T., & Ward, J. V. (2001). Genetic differentiation of Baetis alpinus Pictet (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) in fragmented alpine streams. Heredity, 86, 395-403. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2540.2001.00843.x, Institutional Repository
Rudis, M. (2001). Variation der life-history von Daphnia galeata in den letzten 30 Jahren im Greifensee (Master thesis). 52 p. , Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Boersma, M. (2001). The influence of fish kairomones on the induction and vertical distribution of sexual individuals of the Daphnia galeata species complex. Hydrobiologia, 442(1), 185-193. doi:10.1023/A:1017578221814, Institutional Repository
Winder, M., & Spaak, P. (2001). Carbon as an indicator of Daphnia condition in an alpine lake. Hydrobiologia, 442(1), 269-278. doi:10.1023/A:1017589013636, Institutional Repository
Winder, M., Monaghan, M. T., & Spaak, P. (2001). Have human impacts changed alpine zooplankton diversity over the past 100 years?. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 33(4), 467-475. doi:10.2307/1552557, Institutional Repository
Lass, S., Boersma, M., & Spaak, P. (2000). How do migrating daphnids cope with fish predation risk in the epilimnion under anoxic conditions in the hypolimnion?. Journal of Plankton Research, 22(7), 1411-1418. doi:10.1093/plankt/22.7.1411, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Eggenschwiler, L., & Bürgi, H. R. (2000). Genetic variation and clonal differentiation in the Daphnia population of the Greifensee, a pre-alpine Swiss lake. W. D. Williams (Ed.), Verhandlungen, Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie: Vol. 27. (pp. 1919-1923). Presented at the 27th congress of the international association of theoretical and applied limnology. doi:10.1080/03680770.1998.11901576, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., Vanoverbeke, J., & Boersma, M. (2000). Predator-induced life-history changes and the coexistence of five taxa in a Daphnia species complex. Oikos, 89(1), 164-174. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0706.2000.890118.x, Institutional Repository
Boersma, M., De Meester, L., & Spaak, P. (1999). Environmental stress and local adaptation in Daphnia magna. Limnology and Oceanography, 44(2), 393-402. doi:10.4319/lo.1999.44.2.0393, Institutional Repository
Boersma, M., Spaak, P., & De Meester, L. (1998). Predator-mediated plasticity in morphology, life history, and behavior of Daphnia: the uncoupling of responses. American Naturalist, 152(2), 237-248. doi:10.1086/286164, Institutional Repository
Schwenk, K., Sand, A., Boersma, M., Brehm, M., Mader, E., Offerhaus, D., & Spaak, P. (1998). Genetic markers, genealogies and biogeographic patterns in the cladocera. Aquatic Ecology, 32(1), 37-51. doi:10.1023/A:1009939901198, Institutional Repository
Schwenk, K., & Spaak, P. (1997). Ecology and genetics of interspecific hybridization in Daphnia. In B. Streit, T. Städler, & C. M. Lively (Eds.), Experientia supplementum: Vol. 82. Evolutionary ecology of freshwater animals. Concepts and case studies (pp. 199-229). doi:10.1007/978-3-0348-8880-6_8, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Ringelberg, J. (1997). Differential behaviour and shifts in genotype composition during the beginning of a seasonal period of diel vertical migration. Hydrobiologia, 360, 177-185. doi:10.1023/A:1003121520393, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Hoekstra, J. R. (1997). Fish predation on a Daphnia hybrid species complex: a factor explaining species coexistence?. Limnology and Oceanography, 42(4), 753-762. doi:10.4319/lo.1997.42.4.0753, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P. (1997). Hybridization in the Daphnia galeata complex: are hybrids locally produced?. Hydrobiologia, 360, 127-133. doi:10.1023/A:1003157117667, Institutional Repository
Spaak, P., & Boersma, M. (1997). Tail spine lenght in the Daphnia galeata complex: costs and benefits of induction by fish. Aquatic Ecology, 31, 89-98. doi:10.1023/A:1009935100804, Institutional Repository


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