Department Fish Ecology and Evolution

Fish Ecology & Evolution (FishEc)

We study ecology, evolution and biodiversity of fishes and other aquatic organisms. We are interested in the mechanisms that drive the origins, the maintenance and the loss of species, genetic and functional diversity.


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September 20, 2024 –

Our postdoc Alexus has been chosen for a recent "scientist spotlight" in Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly Copeia). Read her inspiring interview here...

Our postdoc Alexus has been chosen for a recent "scientist spotlight" in Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly Copeia). Read her inspiring interview here...

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September 6, 2024 –

Our postdoc Alexus has recently published a new paper in American Naturalist with her colleagues from University of California studying the functional and morphological diversification in 300 species of cichlid fishes from the...

Our postdoc Alexus has recently published a new paper in American Naturalist with her colleagues from University of California studying the functional and morphological diversification in 300 species of cichlid fishes from the East African Great Lakes and the Neotropics.

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September 3, 2024 –

Biodiversity is not a political programme: Only just 1.6 % of all documents searched at federal level make reference to the term. This is one of the many results that the WSL and Eawag institutes have compiled in the joint...

Biodiversity is not a political programme: Only just 1.6 % of all documents searched at federal level make reference to the term. This is one of the many results that the WSL and Eawag institutes have compiled in the joint research initiative ‘Blue-Green Biodiversity’ and which are being presented today at the Special Info Day to an expert audience from administration, politics, research and practice.

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July 19, 2024 –

With a 3D view through the fishoscope, fish in the Rhine Fall basin can be experienced up close. Eawag has accompanied the pilot project.

With a 3D view through the fishoscope, fish in the Rhine Fall basin can be experienced up close. Eawag has accompanied the pilot project.

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4.00 pm
Eawag Dübendorf, room FC-C20 & Online

Latest Publications

Aeschlimann, A., Fehle, P., Neuhaus, M., Seehausen, O., Josi, D., Wegscheider, B., … Zinn, N. (2024). Fünf Stossrichtungen zur Förderung der Gewässerbiodiversität. Erste Impulse des Wyss Academy-Projekts Lanat-3. Aqua & Gas, 104(6), 50-54. , Institutional Repository
Ahi, E. P., Verta, J. P., Kurko, J., Ruokolainen, A., Singh, P., Debes, P. V., … Primmer, C. R. (2024). Gene co-expression patterns in Atlantic salmon adipose tissue provide a molecular link among seasonal changes, energy balance and age at maturity. Molecular Ecology. doi:10.1111/mec.17313, Institutional Repository

Research Projects

How will climate change alter the phenology, biomass, and nutritional quality of cross-ecosystem fluxes?
Tropical Reef. Credit Conor Waldock
Simulating the roles of dispersal, thermal tolerance, and adaptive potential in tropical reef fish responses to climate change
In this large-scale study we investigate the effects of climate change on fish movement patterns in the Swiss Rhine-Aare River network