Department Environmental Toxicology


Some individuals are more susceptible to chemical exposure than others, but underlying reasons remain largely obscure. We are investigating these inter-individual differences to gain better understanding of the underlying causes of variability in chemical susceptibility and in addition to obtain insights in the molecular mechanism of action of environmentally relevant chemicals. To study this, we are using zebrafish behavioral assays as a method to sort chemically-exposed individuals into susceptible and tolerant categories, and subsequently analyze their molecular profiles. Zebrafish locomotor behavior can serve as an indicator of perturbations in the nervous system and can be assessed conveniently in a standard well-plate for a large number of larvae simultaneously. Moreover, major brain structures and physiological processes are conserved among phyla, allowing not only neuroactive substances (pharmaceuticals, pesticides etc.) to be analyzed, but also basic findings to be translated to other species, such as other teleosts, and to some extent to vertebrates in general. This project aims to elucidate toxicological response pathways at the molecular level, a much needed basis for a proper risk assessment of contaminants in the aquatic environment, and in turn might potentially identify new contaminant specific biomarkers.


Fitzgerald, J. A.; Könemann, S.; Krümpelmann, L.; Županič, A.; vom Berg, C. (2021) Approaches to test the neurotoxicity of environmental contaminants in the zebrafish model - from behavior to molecular mechanisms, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40(4), 989-1006, doi:10.1002/etc.4951, Institutional Repository
Fitzgerald, J. A.; Kirla, K. T.; Zinner, C. P.; vom Berg, C. M. (2019) Emergence of consistent intra-individual locomotor patterns during zebrafish development, Scientific Reports, 9, 13647 (14 pp.), doi:10.1038/s41598-019-49614-y, Institutional Repository

Contact (PI)

Dr. Colette vom Berg Deputy head of department Tel. +41 58 765 5535 Send Mail

In collaboration with

Carl Zinner

Former team member

Dr. Krishna Tulasi Kirla
Dr. Jennifer Fitzgerald


Eawag Discretionary Fund