
Biodiversity Convention - From Science to Implementation

25 juin 2023 - 29 juin 2023, 9h00 - 17h00

Monte Verità, Ascona






Climate change and biodiversity crisis are intricately linked and interdependent and the preservation of our biodiversity requires an integrated approach to both challenges. Urgent policy action is needed to address direct (e.g. land use change, urbanisation, pollution) and indirect drivers (e.g. economic policies, governance systems) to prevent or reverse biodiversity loss, and to allow ecosystems to recover and to be restored.

This requires combining research approaches and methods in innovative ways, working across a broad range of disciplines as well as involving decision-makers.

This convention, organised by the URPP Global Change and Biodiversity and the Blue-Green Biodiversity Initiative of Eawag and WSL, will stimulate exchanges between researchers, practitioners and policy/decision-makers, in order to foster actionable research and promote implementation of measures to prevent or reverse biodiversity loss.

The convention is organized into six main themes:

  • Ecosystem Interface/Functioning: How are biodiversity and ecosystems responding to anthropogenic change and other drivers? How are ecosystems interconnected and how do they influence each other?
  • Global change/Mitigation: What are the main drivers of biodiversity and ecosystem change? How does biodiversity respond to these drivers, and what are potential mitigation measures?
  • Indigenous/ Dominant (Western) Knowledge Systems: What can we learn from different knowledge systems about biodiversity? What shapes our relationship with nature, and how do we value nature?
  • Natural processes/Human management: How is biodiversity shaped by natural processes and disturbances, and how do human interventions influence this? How does human management of landscapes influence biodiversity?
  • Nature/Culture: How are biodiversity and culture related? How does the relationship with nature shape culture, and how is culture shaping our relationship with nature?
  • Science/Policy: How can science become relevant for policy? What are the barriers for science-policy-practice interactions, and how can these overcome? What are the current issues in biodiversity policy


The registrations are closed.

The registration fee is 250CHF.
The accommodation in the shared rooms at the Monte Verità center are around 80-100CHF
per night.


For organizational reasons, it is necessary to register and pay the conference registration fee before to book accommodation at Monte Verità.
Instructions for registrations

You can either overnight directly at the Monte Verità centre, or in another hotel in the nearby Ascona village (15/20 minutes on foot from Monte Verità Centre).

By registering and paying your fees, you accept the terms and conditions of our cancellation policy.
Cancellation policy


An outreach event for the benefit of the people from the region will take place at the Monte Verità center on Wednesday 28th at 8pm (full description here; flyer in Italian here). A round table gathering practitioners and scientists will be moderated by Clara Caverzasio: CO-ABITAZIONE UOMO E NATURA, sviluppo sostenibile del territorio: illusione o obiettivo realista?

This event open to the public is entirely in Italian, free of charge and will be followed by a small aperitif.

Please let CSF know whether you would like to attend at info@csf.ethz.ch or +4191 785 40 54 in order to facilitate the organization.