
Elisabeth Janssen

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PD Dr. Elisabeth Janssen

Chef adjoint de département

Département Chimie de l’environnement


Plus d'informations peuvent être trouvées sur la page anglaise. Cliquez ici.

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Our research on fate of pharmaceuticals is motivated by investigating transformation pathways and kinetics to better understand the lifetime of such biologically active compounds in our freshwater Systems...
«Extracellular enzymes drive element cycling and degrade pollutants and transform themselves in surface waters»...
Our research is part of an EU International Training Network (ITN) focusing on Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality: From Source to Tap (NaToxAq)
Genetische und metabolische Vielfalt von giftigen Cyanobakterien in den Schweizer Alpen...
Warum blühen giftige Cyanbakterien? ...
Cyano-métabolites de la source au robinet

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Téléphone: +41 58 765 5428
Fax: +41 58 765 5802
Adresse: Eawag
Überlandstrasse 133
8600 Dübendorf
Bureau: BU F16

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Expert en

photochimie, polluants organiques, algues, dégradation biologique

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