
Christian Stamm

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Dr. Christian Stamm

Directeur adjoint

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Nachhaltige Transformation der Schweizer Landwirtschaft zur Internalisierung negativer externer Effekte des Pestizideinsatzes.
Den Dialog zwischen Politik und Wissenschaft verbessern, um komplexe gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen wie den Klimawandel, den Verlust der Biodiversität und die Energiewende zu bewältigen.
Projet de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les effets biologiques des micropolluants sur le périphyton

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Davies, E.; Stamm, C.; Fuhrimann, S.; Chow, R. (2024) Mixed pesticide sources identified by using wastewater tracers in rivers of South African agricultural catchments, Science of the Total Environment, 956, 177206 (15 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177206, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C. (2023) Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen und Landwirtschaft, In: Norer, R. (Eds.), Landwirtschaft und Wasser. Gewässerreinhaltung, Hochwasserschutz und Bewässerung in rechtlicher Perspektive. Tagungsband der 7. Luzerner Agrarrechtstage, 1-9, Institutional Repository
Doppler, T.; Dietzel, A.; Stamm, C. (2024) Pestizide in Bächen und Flüssen. Wirkung des Aktionsplans Pflanzenschutzmittel, Aqua & Gas, 104(7+8), 63-69, Institutional Repository
Quaglia, G.; Joris, I.; Desmet, N.; Koopmans, K.; Nelissen, V.; Boënne, W.; Stamm, C.; Seuntjens, P.; Van De Vijver, E. (2024) Mitigating glyphosate levels in surface waters: long-term assessment in an agricultural catchment in Belgium, Journal of Environmental Management, 359, 121046 (13 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121046, Institutional Repository
Chow, R.; Spycher, S.; Scheidegger, R.; Doppler, T.; Dietzel, A.; Fenicia, F.; Stamm, C. (2023) Methods comparison for detecting trends in herbicide monitoring time-series in streams, Science of the Total Environment, 891, 164226 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164226, Institutional Repository
Lafuente, E.; Carles, L.; Walser, J. C.; Giulio, M.; Wullschleger, S.; Stamm, C.; Räsänen, K. (2023) Effects of anthropogenic stress on hosts and their microbiomes: treated wastewater alters performance and gut microbiome of a key detritivore (Asellus aquaticus), Evolutionary Applications, 16(4), 824-848, doi:10.1111/eva.13540, Institutional Repository
la Cecilia, D.; Tom, M.; Stamm, C.; Odermatt, D. (2023) Pixel-based mapping of open field and protected agriculture using constrained Sentinel-2 data, ISPRS Open Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 8, 100033 (18 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.ophoto.2023.100033, Institutional Repository
Weiss, F. T.; Ruepert, C.; Echeverría-Sáenz, S.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C. (2023) Agricultural pesticides pose a continuous ecotoxicological risk to aquatic organisms in a tropical horticulture catchment, Environmental Advances, 11, 100339 (10 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.envadv.2022.100339, Institutional Repository
Storck, F. R.; Riva, A.; Stähli, M.; Schönenberger, U.; Freudemann, D.; Stamm, C.; Hug, S. J.; Dolf, R.; Mazacek, J.; Zobrist, J.; Randlett, M.-È. (2022) 50 Jahre NADUF. Nationale Daueruntersuchung der Fliessgewässer, Aqua & Gas, 102(12), 34-41, Institutional Repository
Burdon, F. J.; Reyes, M.; Schönenberger, U.; Räsänen, K.; Tiegs, S. D.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C. (2023) Environmental context determines pollution impacts on ecosystem functioning, Oikos, 2023(2), e09131 (14 pp.), doi:10.1111/oik.09131, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B.; Ingold, K.; Stamm, C.; Ammann, P.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Finger, R.; Fuhrimann, S.; Lienert, J.; Mark, J.; McCallum, C.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Reber, U.; Tamm, L.; Wiget, M.; Winkler, M. S.; Zachmann, L.; Hoffmann, S. (2023) Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: insights from pesticide policy and practice, Ambio, 52(2), 425-439, doi:10.1007/s13280-022-01790-4, Institutional Repository
Chow, R.; Curchod, L.; Davies, E.; Veludo, A. F.; Oltramare, C.; Dalvie, M. A.; Stamm, C.; Röösli, M.; Fuhrimann, S. (2023) Seasonal drivers and risks of aquatic pesticide pollution in drought and post-drought conditions in three Mediterranean watersheds, Science of the Total Environment, 858, 159784 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159784, Institutional Repository
Carles, L.; Wullschleger, S.; Joss, A.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Schuwirth, N.; Stamm, C.; Tlili, A. (2022) Wastewater microorganisms impact microbial diversity and important ecological functions of stream periphyton, Water Research, 225, 119119 (13 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2022.119119, Institutional Repository
Oltramare, C.; Weiss, F. T.; Staudacher, P.; Kibirango, O.; Atuhaire, A.; Stamm, C. (2023) Pesticides monitoring in surface water of a subsistence agricultural catchment in Uganda using passive samplers, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(9), 10312-10328, doi:10.1007/s11356-022-22717-2, Institutional Repository
Galli, A.; Winkler, M. S.; Doanthu, T.; Fuhrimann, S.; Huynh, T.; Rahn, E.; Stamm, C.; Staudacher, P.; Van Huynh, T.; Loss, G. (2022) Assessment of pesticide safety knowledge and practices in Vietnam: a cross-sectional study of smallholder farmers in the Mekong Delta, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 19(9), 509-523, doi:10.1080/15459624.2022.2100403, Institutional Repository
Brosse, M.; Benateau, S.; Gaudard, A.; Stamm, C.; Altermatt, F. (2022) The importance of indirect effects of climate change adaptations on alpine and pre‐alpine freshwater systems, Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(1), e12127 (8 pp.), doi:10.1002/2688-8319.12127, Institutional Repository
Schönenberger, U. T.; Beck, B.; Dax, A.; Vogler, B.; Stamm, C. (2022) Pesticide concentrations in agricultural storm drainage inlets of a small Swiss catchment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 43966-43983, doi:10.1007/s11356-022-18933-5, Institutional Repository
Tamminen, M.; Spaak, J.; Tlili, A.; Eggen, R.; Stamm, C.; Räsänen, K. (2022) Wastewater constituents impact biofilm microbial community in receiving streams, Science of the Total Environment, 807(3), 151080 (8 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151080, Institutional Repository
Wiedemann, R.; Stamm, C.; Staudacher, P. (2022) Participatory knowledge integration to promote safe pesticide use in Uganda, Environmental Science and Policy, 128, 154-164, doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2021.11.012, Institutional Repository
la Cecilia, D.; Dax, A.; Ehmann, H.; Koster, M.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C. (2021) Continuous high-frequency pesticide monitoring to observe the unexpected and the overlooked, Water Research X, 13, 100125 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2021.100125, Institutional Repository
Schönenberger, U. T.; Simon, J.; Stamm, C. (2022) Are spray drift losses to agricultural roads more important for surface water contamination than direct drift to surface waters?, Science of the Total Environment, 809, 151102 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151102, Institutional Repository
Carles, L.; Wullschleger, S.; Joss, A.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Schirmer, K.; Schuwirth, N.; Stamm, C.; Tlili, A. (2021) Impact of wastewater on the microbial diversity of periphyton and its tolerance to micropollutants in an engineered flow-through channel system, Water Research, 203, 117486 (14 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117486, Institutional Repository
Staudacher, P.; Brugger, C.; Winkler, M. S.; Stamm, C.; Farnham, A.; Mubeezi, R.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Günther, I. (2021) What agro-input dealers know, sell and say to smallholder farmers about pesticides: a mystery shopping and KAP analysis in Uganda, Environmental Health, 20, 100 (19 pp.), doi:10.1186/s12940-021-00775-2, Institutional Repository
Ammann, L.; Stamm, C.; Fenicia, F.; Reichert, P. (2021) Quantifying the uncertainty of a conceptual herbicide transport model with time‐dependent, stochastic parameters, Water Resources Research, 57(8), e2020WR028311 (27 pp.), doi:10.1029/2020WR028311, Institutional Repository
von Arb, C.; Stoll, S.; Frossard, E.; Stamm, C.; Prasuhn, V. (2021) The time it takes to reduce soil legacy phosphorus to a tolerable level for surface waters: what we learn from a case study in the catchment of Lake Baldegg, Switzerland, Geoderma, 403, 115257 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115257, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Binder, C. R.; Frossard, E.; Haygarth, P. M.; Oberson, A.; Richardson, A. E.; Schaum, C.; Schoumans, O.; Udert, K. M. (2022) Towards circular phosphorus: the need of inter- and transdisciplinary research to close the broken cycle, Ambio, 51, 611-622, doi:10.1007/s13280-021-01562-6, Institutional Repository
Stravs, M. A.; Stamm, C.; Ort, C.; Singer, H. (2021) Transportable automated HRMS platform "mS2field" enables insights into water-quality dynamics in real time, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8(5), 373-380, doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00066, Institutional Repository
Schönenberger, U.; Stamm, C. (2021) Hydraulic shortcuts increase the connectivity of arable land areas to surface waters, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(4), 1727-1746, doi:10.5194/hess-25-1727-2021, Institutional Repository
Lee, J.; Ju, F.; Maile-Moskowitz, A.; Beck, K.; Maccagnan, A.; McArdell, C. S.; Dal Molin, M.; Fenicia, F.; Vikesland, P.; Pruden, A.; Stamm, C.; Bürgmann, H. (2021) Unraveling the riverine antibiotic resistome: the downstream fate of anthropogenic inputs, Water Research, 197, 117050 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.watres.2021.117050, Institutional Repository
Staudacher, P.; Fuhrimann, S.; Farnham, A.; Mora, A. M.; Atuhaire, A.; Niwagaba, C.; Stamm, C.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Winkler, M. S. (2020) Comparative analysis of pesticide use determinants among smallholder farmers from Costa Rica and Uganda, Environmental Health Insights, 14, 1-15, doi:10.1177/1178630220972417, Institutional Repository
Dax, A.; Stravs, M.; Stamm, C.; Ort, C.; la Cecilia, D.; Singer, H. (2020) MS2field: Mikroverunreinigungen mobil messen, Aqua & Gas, 100(12), 14-19, Institutional Repository
Dietzel, A.; Zaffarano, P.; Stamm, C. (2020) Transparenter Umgang mit Zielkonflikten für eine gewässerschonende Schweizer Landwirtschaft, Agrarforschung Schweiz, 11, 217-223, doi:10.34776/afs11-217, Institutional Repository
Schönenberger, U.; Dax, A.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C. (2020) Hydraulische Kurzschlüsse. Hohe Bedeutung für die Belastung der Gewässer mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln, Aqua & Gas, 100(11), 65-71, Institutional Repository
Arlos, M. J.; Focks, A.; Hollender, J.; Stamm, C. (2020) Improving risk assessment by predicting the survival of field gammarids exposed to dynamic pesticide mixtures, Environmental Science and Technology, 54(19), 12383-12392, doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c03939, Institutional Repository
Chow, R.; Scheidegger, R.; Doppler, T.; Dietzel, A.; Fenicia, F.; Stamm, C. (2020) A review of long-term pesticide monitoring studies to assess surface water quality trends, Water Research X, 9, 100064 (13 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2020.100064, Institutional Repository
Burdon, F. J.; Bai, Y.; Reyes, M.; Tamminen, M.; Staudacher, P.; Mangold, S.; Singer, H.; Räsänen, K.; Joss, A.; Tiegs, S. D.; Jokela, J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C. (2020) Stream microbial communities and ecosystem functioning show complex responses to multiple stressors in wastewater, Global Change Biology, 26(11), 6363-6382, doi:10.1111/gcb.15302, Institutional Repository
Kobierska, F.; Koch, U.; Kasteel, R.; Stamm, C.; Prasuhn, V. (2020) Plant protection product losses via tile drainage: a conceptual model and mitigation measures, Agrarforschung Schweiz, 11(6), 115-123, doi:10.34776/afs11-115, Institutional Repository
Ammann, L.; Doppler, T.; Stamm, C.; Reichert, P.; Fenicia, F. (2020) Characterizing fast herbicide transport in a small agricultural catchment with conceptual models, Journal of Hydrology, 586, 124812 (15 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124812, Institutional Repository
Creusot, N.; Casado-Martinez, C.; Chiaia-Hernandez, A.; Kiefer, K.; Ferrari, B. J. D.; Fu, Q.; Munz, N.; Stamm, C.; Tlili, A.; Hollender, J. (2020) Retrospective screening of high-resolution mass spectrometry archived digital samples can improve environmental risk assessment of emerging contaminants: a case study on antifungal azoles, Environment International, 139, 105708 (10 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.envint.2020.105708, Institutional Repository
Arlos, M. J.; Schürz, F.; Fu, Q.; Lauper, B. B.; Stamm, C.; Hollender, J. (2020) Coupling river concentration simulations with a toxicokinetic model effectively predicts the internal concentrations of wastewater-derived micropollutants in field gammarids, Environmental Science and Technology, 54(3), 1710-1719, doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b05736, Institutional Repository
Kienle, C.; Vermeirssen, E. L. M.; Schifferli, A.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C.; Werner, I. (2019) Effects of treated wastewater on the ecotoxicity of small streams – unravelling the contribution of chemicals causing effects, PLoS One, 14(12), e0226278 (30 pp.), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0226278, Institutional Repository
Mansfeldt, C.; Deiner, K.; Mächler, E.; Fenner, K.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C.; Schönenberger, U.; Walser, J.-C.; Altermatt, F. (2020) Microbial community shifts in streams receiving treated wastewater effluent, Science of the Total Environment, 709, 135727 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135727, Institutional Repository
Curchod, L.; Oltramare, C.; Junghans, M.; Stamm, C.; Dalvie, M. A.; Röösli, M.; Fuhrimann, S. (2020) Temporal variation of pesticide mixtures in rivers of three agricultural watersheds during a major drought in the Western Cape, South Africa, Water Research X, 6, 100039 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2019.100039, Institutional Repository
Rösch, A.; Beck, B.; Hollender, J.; Stamm, C.; Singer, H.; Doppler, T.; Junghans, M. (2019) Geringe Konzentrationen mit grosser Wirkung. Nachweis von Pyrethroid- und Organophosphatinsektiziden in Schweizer Bächen im pg l-1-Bereich, Aqua & Gas, 99(11), 54-66, Institutional Repository
Lavrieux, M.; Birkholz, A.; Meusburger, K.; Wiesenberg, G. L. B.; Gilli, A.; Stamm, C.; Alewell, C. (2019) Plants or bacteria? 130 years of mixed imprints in Lake Baldegg sediments (Switzerland), as revealed by compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) and biomarker analysis, Biogeosciences, 16(10), 2131-2146, doi:10.5194/bg-16-2131-2019, Institutional Repository
Benateau, S.; Gaudard, A.; Stamm, C.; Altermatt, F. (2019) Climate change and freshwater ecosystems. Impacts on water quality and ecological status, 111 p, Institutional Repository
Fuhrimann, S.; Winkler, M. S.; Staudacher, P.; Weiss, F. T.; Stamm, C.; Eggen, R. I.; Lindh, C. H.; Menezes-Filho, J. A.; Baker, J. M.; Ramírez-Muñoz, F.; Gutiérrez-Vargas, R.; Mora, A. M. (2019) Exposure to pesticides and health effects on farm owners and workers from conventional and organic agricultural farms in Costa Rica: protocol for a cross-sectional study, JMIR Research Protocols, 8(1), e10914 (13 pp.), doi:10.2196/10914, Institutional Repository
Daouk, S.; Doppler, T.; Wittmer, I.; Junghans, M.; Coster, M.; Stamm, C. (2019) Pesticides dans les eaux de surface. Mesures de réduction et monitoring - synthèse des apprentissages liés aux projets «Phytos 62A», Aqua & Gas, 99(1), 66-73, Institutional Repository
Burdon, F. J.; Munz, N. A.; Reyes, M.; Focks, A.; Joss, A.; Räsänen, K.; Altermatt, F.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C. (2019) Agriculture versus wastewater pollution as drivers of macroinvertebrate community structure in streams, Science of the Total Environment, 659, 1256-1265, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.372, Institutional Repository
Schuwirth, N.; Honti, M.; Logar, I.; Stamm, C. (2018) Multi-criteria decision analysis for integrated water quality assessment and management support, Water Research X, 1, 100010 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.wroa.2018.100010, Institutional Repository
Munz, N. A.; Fu, Q.; Stamm, C.; Hollender, J. (2018) Internal concentrations in gammarids reveal increased risk of organic micropollutants in wastewater-impacted streams, Environmental Science and Technology, 52(18), 10347-10358, doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b03632, Institutional Repository
Moser, A.; Wemyss, D.; Scheidegger, R.; Fenicia, F.; Honti, M.; Stamm, C. (2018) Modelling biocide and herbicide concentrations in catchments of the Rhine basin, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22(8), 4229-4249, doi:10.5194/hess-22-4229-2018, Institutional Repository
Gramlich, A.; Stoll, S.; Stamm, C.; Walter, T.; Prasuhn, V. (2018) Effects of artificial land drainage on hydrology, nutrient and pesticide fluxes from agricultural fields – a review, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 266, 84-99, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2018.04.005, Institutional Repository
Liu, W.; Yang, H.; Ciais, P.; Stamm, C.; Zhao, X.; Williams, J. R.; Abbaspour, K. C.; Schulin, R. (2018) Integrative crop-soil-management modeling to assess global phosphorus losses from major crop cultivations, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32(7), 1074-1086, doi:10.1029/2017GB005849, Institutional Repository
Salo, T.; Räsänen, K.; Stamm, C.; Burdon, F. J.; Seppälä, O. (2018) Simultaneous exposure to a pulsed and a prolonged anthropogenic stressor can alter consumer multifunctionality, Oikos, 127(10), 1437-1448, doi:10.1111/oik.05310, Institutional Repository
Honti, M.; Bischoff, F.; Moser, A.; Stamm, C.; Baranya, S.; Fenner, K. (2018) Relating degradation of pharmaceutical active ingredients in a stream network to degradation in water-sediment simulation tests, Water Resources Research, 54(11), 9207-9223, doi:10.1029/2018WR023592, Institutional Repository
Spycher, S.; Mangold, S.; Doppler, T.; Junghans, M.; Wittmer, I.; Stamm, C.; Singer, H. (2018) Pesticide risks in small streams - how to get as close as possible to the stress imposed on aquatic organisms, Environmental Science and Technology, 52(8), 4526-4535, doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b00077, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Moser, A.; Metz, F.; Herzog, L.; Bader, H.-P.; Scheidegger, R.; Stamm, C. (2018) Misfit between physical affectedness and regulatory embeddedness: the case of drinking water supply along the Rhine River, Global Environmental Change, 48, 136-150, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.11.006, Institutional Repository
Salo, T.; Stamm, C.; Burdon, F. J.; Räsänen, K.; Seppälä, O. (2017) Resilience to heat waves in the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis: additive and interactive effects with micropollutants, Freshwater Biology, 62(11), 1831-1846, doi:10.1111/fwb.12999, Institutional Repository
Tang, T.; Stamm, C.; van Griensven, A.; Seuntjens, P.; Bronders, J. (2017) Hysteresis and parent-metabolite analyses unravel characteristic pesticide transport mechanisms in a mixed land use catchment, Water Research, 124, 663-672, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2017.08.016, Institutional Repository
Honti, M.; Schuwirth, N.; Rieckermann, J.; Stamm, C. (2017) Can integrative catchment management mitigate future water quality issues caused by climate change and socio-economic development?, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(3), 1593-1609, doi:10.5194/hess-21-1593-2017, Institutional Repository
Yapo, R. I.; Mambo, V.; Alder, A. C.; Ohou-Yao, M. J.; Ligban, R.; Dao, D.; Stamm, C.; Bonfoh, B. (2016) Caractérisation saisonnière des eaux de puits à usage maraîchère et domestique de Korhogo (Côte d’Ivoire), International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 10(3), 1433-1449, doi:10.4314/ijbcs.v10i3.41, Institutional Repository
Munz, N. A.; Burdon, F. J.; de Zwart, D.; Junghans, M.; Melo, L.; Reyes, M.; Schönenberger, U.; Singer, H. P.; Spycher, B.; Hollender, J.; Stamm, C. (2017) Pesticides drive risk of micropollutants in wastewater-impacted streams during low flow conditions, Water Research, 110, 366-377, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.11.001, Institutional Repository
Neale, P. A.; Munz, N. A.; Aїt-Aїssa, S.; Altenburger, R.; Brion, F.; Busch, W.; Escher, B. I.; Hilscherová, K.; Kienle, C.; Novák, J.; Seiler, T.-B.; Shao, Y.; Stamm, C.; Hollender, J. (2017) Integrating chemical analysis and bioanalysis to evaluate the contribution of wastewater effluent on the micropollutant burden in small streams, Science of the Total Environment, 576, 785-795, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.141, Institutional Repository
Burdon, F. J.; Reyes, M.; Alder, A. C.; Joss, A.; Ort, C.; Räsänen, K.; Jokela, J.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Stamm, C. (2016) Environmental context and magnitude of disturbance influence trait-mediated community responses to wastewater in streams, Ecology and Evolution, 6(12), 3923-3939, doi:10.1002/ece3.2165, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Räsänen, K.; Burdon, F. J.; Altermatt, F.; Jokela, J.; Joss, A.; Ackermann, M.; Eggen, R. I. L. (2016) Unravelling the impacts of micropollutants in aquatic ecosystems: interdisciplinary studies at the interface of large-scale ecology, In: Dumbrell, A. J.; Kordas, R. L.; Woodward, G. (Eds.), Large-scale ecology: model systems to global perspectives, 183-223, doi:10.1016/bs.aecr.2016.07.002, Institutional Repository
Wittmer, I. K.; Bader, H. -P.; Scheidegger, R.; Stamm, C. (2016) REXPO: a catchment model designed to understand and simulate the loss dynamics of plant protection products and biocides from agricultural and urban areas, Journal of Hydrology, 533, 486-514, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.11.046, Institutional Repository
Gassmann, M.; Olsson, O.; Stamm, C.; Weiler, M.; Kümmerer, K. (2015) Physico-chemical characteristics affect the spatial distribution of pesticide and transformation product loss to an agricultural brook, Science of the Total Environment, 532, 733-743, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.06.068, Institutional Repository
Sharpley, A. N.; Bergström, L.; Aronsson, H.; Bechmann, M.; Bolster, C. H.; Börling, K.; Djodjic, F.; Jarvie, H. P.; Schoumans, O. F.; Stamm, C.; Tonderski, K. S.; Ulén, B.; Uusitalo, R.; Withers, P. J. A. (2015) Future agriculture with minimized phosphorus losses to waters: research needs and direction, Ambio, 44(Suppl. 2), 163-179, doi:10.1007/s13280-014-0612-x, Institutional Repository
Schuwirth, N.; Kattwinkel, M.; Stamm, C. (2015) How stressor specific are trait-based ecological indices for ecosystem management?, Science of the Total Environment, 505, 565-572, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.10.029, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Hering, J. G.; Hollender, J.; Joss, A.; Schärer, M. (2015) Micropollutant removal from wastewater: facts and decision-making despite uncertainty, Environmental Science and Technology, 49(11), 6374-6375, doi:10.1021/acs.est.5b02242, Institutional Repository
Eggen, R. I. L.; Hollender, J.; Joss, A.; Schärer, M.; Stamm, C. (2014) Reducing the discharge of micropollutants in the aquatic environment: the benefits of upgrading wastewater treatment plants, Environmental Science and Technology, 48(14), 7683-7689, doi:10.1021/es500907n, Institutional Repository
Honti, M.; Scheidegger, A.; Stamm, C. (2014) The importance of hydrological uncertainty assessment methods in climate change impact studies, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(8), 3301-3317, doi:10.5194/hess-18-3301-2014, Institutional Repository
Lanz, K.; Rahn, E.; Siber, R.; Stamm, C. (2014) Bewirtschaftung der Wasserressourcen unter steigendem Nutzungsdruck, 81 p, Institutional Repository
Moschet, C.; Wittmer, I.; Simovic, J.; Junghans, M.; Piazzoli, A.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C.; Leu, C.; Hollender, J. (2014) How a complete pesticide screening changes the assessment of surface water quality, Environmental Science and Technology, 48(10), 5423-5432, doi:10.1021/es500371t, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Jarvie, H. P.; Scott, T. (2014) What’s more important for managing phosphorus: loads, concentrations or both?, Environmental Science and Technology, 48(1), 23-24, doi:10.1021/es405148c, Institutional Repository
Gassmann, M.; Stamm, C.; Olsson, O.; Lange, J.; Kümmerer, K.; Weiler, M. (2013) Model-based estimation of pesticides and transformation products and their export pathways in a headwater catchment, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(12), 5213-5228, doi:10.5194/hess-17-5213-2013, Institutional Repository
Hahn, C.; Prasuhn, V.; Stamm, C.; Lazzarotto, P.; Evangelou, M. W. H.; Schulin, R. (2013) Prediction of dissolved reactive phosphorus losses from small agricultural catchments: calibration and validation of a parsimonious model, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(10), 3679-3693, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3679-2013, Institutional Repository
Honti, M.; Stamm, C.; Reichert, P. (2013) Integrated uncertainty assessment of discharge predictions with a statistical error model, Water Resources Research, 49(8), 4866-4884, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20374, Institutional Repository
Doppler, T.; Camenzuli, L.; Hirzel, G.; Krauss, M.; Lück, A.; Stamm, C. (2012) Spatial variability of herbicide mobilisation and transport at catchment scale: insights from a field experiment, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(7), 1947-1967, doi:10.5194/hess-16-1947-2012, Institutional Repository
Ashauer, R.; Wittmer, I.; Stamm, C.; Escher, B. I. (2011) Environmental risk assessment of fluctuating diazinon concentrations in an urban and agricultural catchment using toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic modeling, Environmental Science and Technology, 45(22), 9783-9792, doi:10.1021/es202413a, Institutional Repository
Frey, M. P.; Stamm, C.; Schneider, M. K.; Reichert, P. (2011) Using discharge data to reduce structural deficits in a hydrological model with a Bayesian inference approach and the implications for the prediction of critical source areas, Water Resources Research, 47(12), 1-18, doi:10.1029/2010WR009993, Institutional Repository
Hanke, I.; Wittmer, I.; Bischofberger, S.; Stamm, C.; Singer, H. (2010) Relevance of urban glyphosate use for surface water quality, Chemosphere, 81(3), 422-429, doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.06.067, Institutional Repository
Leu, C.; Schneider, M. K.; Stamm, C. (2010) Estimating catchment vulnerability to diffuse herbicide losses from hydrograph statistics, Journal of Environmental Quality, 39(4), 1441-1450, doi:10.2134/jeq2009.0323, Institutional Repository
Wittmer, I. K.; Bader, H. -P.; Scheidegger, R.; Singer, H.; Lück, A.; Hanke, I.; Carlsson, C.; Stamm, C. (2010) Significance of urban and agricultural land use for biocide and pesticide dynamics in surface waters, Water Research, 44(9), 2850-2862, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2010.01.030, Institutional Repository
Holländer, H. M.; Blume, T.; Bormann, H.; Buytaert, W.; Chirico, G. B.; Exbrayat, J. -F.; Gustafsson, D.; Hölzel, H.; Kraft, P.; Stamm, C.; Stoll, S.; Blöschl, G.; Flühler, H. (2009) Comparative predictions of discharge from an artificial catchment (Chicken Creek) using sparse data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13(11), 2069-2094, doi:10.5194/hess-13-2069-2009, Institutional Repository
Gomides Freitas, L.; Singer, H.; Müller, S. R.; Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Stamm, C. (2008) Source area effects on herbicide losses to surface waters - a case study in the Swiss Plateau, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 128(3), 177-184, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2008.06.014, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Alder, A. C.; Fenner, K.; Hollender, J.; Krauss, M.; McArdell, C. S.; Ort, C.; Schneider, M. K. (2008) Spatial and temporal patterns of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment: a review, Geography Compass, 2(3), 920-955, doi:10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00104.x, Institutional Repository
Kahle, M.; Stamm, C. (2007) Sorption of the veterinary antimicrobial sulfathiazole to organic materials of different origin, Environmental Science and Technology, 41(1), 132-138, doi:10.1021/es061198b, Institutional Repository
Schärer, M.; Stamm, C.; Vollmer, T.; Frossard, E.; Oberson, A.; Flühler, H.; Sinaj, S. (2007) Reducing phosphorus losses from over-fertilized grassland soils proves difficult in the short term, Soil Use and Management, 23(SUPPL. 1), 154-164, doi:10.1111/j.1475-2743.2007.00114.x, Institutional Repository
Schneider, M. K.; Brunner, F.; Hollis, J. M.; Stamm, C. (2007) Towards a hydrological classification of European soils: preliminary test of its predictive power for the base flow index using river discharge data, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 11(4), 1501-1513, doi:10.5194/hess-11-1501-2007, Institutional Repository
Chèvre, N.; Loepfe, C.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C.; Fenner, K.; Escher, B. I. (2006) Including mixtures in the determination of water quality criteria for herbicides in surface water, Environmental Science and Technology, 40(2), 426-435, doi:10.1021/es050239l, Institutional Repository
Stoob, K.; Singer, H. P.; Stettler, S.; Hartmann, N.; Mueller, S. R.; Stamm, C. H. (2006) Exhaustive extraction of sulfonamide antibiotics from aged agricultural soils using pressurized liquid extraction, Journal of Chromatography A, 1128(1-2), 1-9, doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2006.06.048, Institutional Repository
Burkhardt, M.; Stamm, C.; Waul, C.; Singer, H.; Müller, S. (2005) Surface runoff and transport of sulfonamide antibiotics and tracers on manured grassland, Journal of Environmental Quality, 34, 1363-1371, doi:10.2134/jeq2004.0261, Institutional Repository
Lazzarotto, P.; Prasuhn, V.; Butscher, E.; Crespi, C.; Flühler, H.; Stamm, C. (2005) Phosphorus export dynamics from two Swiss grassland catchments, Journal of Hydrology, 304(1-4), 139-150, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.07.027, Institutional Repository
Schneeberger, K.; Schwank, M.; Stamm, C.; de Rosnay, P.; Mätzler, C.; Flühler, H. (2004) Topsoil structure influencing soil water retrieval by microwave radiometry, Vadose Zone Journal, 3, 1169-1179, doi:10.2136/vzj2004.1169, Institutional Repository
Leu, C.; Singer, H.; Stamm, C.; Müller, S. R.; Schwarzenbach, R. P. (2004) Variability of herbicide losses from 13 fields to surface water within a small catchment after a controlled herbicide application, Environmental Science and Technology, 38(14), 3835-3841, doi:10.1021/es0499593, Institutional Repository
Kulli, B.; Stamm, C.; Papritz, A.; Flühler, H. (2003) Discrimination of flow regions on the basis of stained infiltration patterns in soil profiles, Vadose Zone Journal, 2, 338-348, doi:10.2136/vzj2003.3380, Institutional Repository
Withers, P. J. A.; Ulén, B.; Stamm, C.; Bechmann, M. (2003) Incidental phosphorus losses - are they significant and can they be predicted?, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 166, 459-468, doi:10.1002/jpln.200321165, Institutional Repository
Stamm, C.; Flühler, H.; Gächter, R.; Leuenberger, J.; Wunderli, H. (1998) Preferential transport of phosphorus in drained grassland soils, Journal of Environmental Quality, 27(3), 515-522, doi:10.2134/jeq1998.00472425002700030006x, Institutional Repository

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