Karin Ingold
Prof. Dr. Karin Ingold
Chef de groupe, Groupe: PEGO
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Fesenfeld, L. P.; Hering, J. G.; Ingold, K. (2024) Science-policy interface, In: Darbellay, F. (Eds.), Elgar encyclopedia of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, 461-465, doi:10.4337/9781035317967.ch102, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2024) Postface: Concluding remarks on relevance and impact of political science in Switzerland, Swiss Political Science Review, 30(3), 255-262, doi:10.1111/spsr.12615, Institutional Repository
Zinn, N.; Archbold, J.; Fischer, M.; Ingold, K.; Aeschlimann, A.; Fehle, P.; Seehausen, O.; Josi, D.; Wegscheider, B.; Waldock, C.; Calegari, B. (2024) LANAT-3: Klimawandel U. Biodiversitätsverlust im unteren Emmental. Im Fokus: Akteure, Akteurinnen und ihr Netzwerk, Aqua & Gas, 104(7+8), 46-50, Institutional Repository
Duygan, M.; Fischer, M.; Ingold, K. (2023) Assessing the readiness of municipalities for digital process innovation, Technology in Society, 72, 102179 (11 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2022.102179, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M.; Ingold, K.; Duygan, M.; Manny, L.; Pakizer, K. (2023) Actor networks in urban water governance, In: Bolognesi, T.; Silva Pinto, F.; Farrelly, M. (Eds.), Routledge handbook of urban water governance, 243-256, doi:10.4324/9781003057574-21, Institutional Repository
Hofmann, B.; Ingold, K.; Stamm, C.; Ammann, P.; Eggen, R. I. L.; Finger, R.; Fuhrimann, S.; Lienert, J.; Mark, J.; McCallum, C.; Probst-Hensch, N.; Reber, U.; Tamm, L.; Wiget, M.; Winkler, M. S.; Zachmann, L.; Hoffmann, S. (2023) Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: insights from pesticide policy and practice, Ambio, 52(2), 425-439, doi:10.1007/s13280-022-01790-4, Institutional Repository
Reber, U.; Ingold, K.; Fischer, M. (2023) The role of actors' issue and sector specialization for policy integration in the parliamentary arena: an analysis of Swiss biodiversity policy using text as data, Policy Sciences, 56, 95-114, doi:10.1007/s11077-022-09490-2, Institutional Repository
Varone, F.; Ingold, K. (2023) Switzerland, public policy in, In: van Gerven, M.; Rothmayr Allison, C.; Schubert, K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of public policy, (10 pp.), doi:10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_54-1, Institutional Repository
Brandenberger, L.; Ingold, K.; Fischer, M.; Schläpfer, I.; Leifeld, P. (2022) Boundary spanning through engagement of policy actors in multiple issues, Policy Studies Journal, 50(1), 35-64, doi:10.1111/psj.12404, Institutional Repository
Duygan, M.; Fischer, M.; Pärli, R.; Ingold, K. (2022) Where do smart cities grow? The spatial and socio-economic configurations of smart city development, Sustainable Cities and Society, 77, 103578 (12 pp.), doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103578, Institutional Repository
Herzog, L.; Ingold, K.; Schlager, E. (2022) Prescribed by law and therefore realized? Analyzing rules and their implied actor interactions as networks, Policy Studies Journal, 50(2), 366-386, doi:10.1111/psj.12448, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Christopoulos, D.; Fischer, M. (2022) Resilience in political networks, In: Lazega, E.; Snijders, T.; Wittek, R. P. M. (Eds.), A research agenda for social networks and social resilience, 115-130, doi:10.4337/9781803925783.00014, Institutional Repository
Lieberherr, E.; Ingold, K. (2022) Public, private, or inter-municipal organizations: actors’ preferences in the Swiss water sector, Sustainability, 14(13), 7560 (12 pp.), doi:10.3390/su14137560, Institutional Repository
Martin, M. A.; Boakye, E. A.; Boyd, E.; Broadgate, W.; Bustamante, M.; Canadell, J. G.; Carr, E. R.; Chu, E. K.; Cleugh, H.; Csevar, S.; Ingold, K.; Zhao, Z. J. (2022) Ten new insights in climate science 2022, Global Sustainability, 5, e20 (20 pp.), doi:10.1017/sus.2022.17, Institutional Repository
Osei-Kojo, A.; Ingold, K.; Weible, C. M. (2022) The Advocacy Coalition Framework: lessons from applications in African countries, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 63, 181-201, doi:10.1007/s11615-022-00399-2, Institutional Repository
Reber, U.; Fischer, M.; Ingold, K.; Kienast, F.; Hersperger, A. M.; Grütter, R.; Benz, R. (2022) Integrating biodiversity: a longitudinal and cross-sectoral analysis of Swiss politics, Policy Sciences, 55, 311-335, doi:10.1007/s11077-022-09456-4, Institutional Repository
Wiedemann, R.; Ingold, K. (2022) Solving cross-sectoral policy problems: adding a cross-sectoral dimension to assess policy performance, Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 24(5), 526-539, doi:10.1080/1523908X.2021.1960809, Institutional Repository
Guntern, J.; Baur, B.; Ingold, K.; Stamm, C.; Widmer, I.; Wittmer, I.; Altermatt, F. (2021) Pesticides: répercussions sur l'environnement, la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques, 12 p, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4680677, Institutional Repository
Guntern, J.; Baur, B.; Ingold, K.; Stamm, C.; Widmer, I.; Wittmer, I.; Altermatt, F. (2021) Pestizide: Auswirkungen auf Umwelt, Biodiversität und Ökosystemleistungen, 12 p, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4680574, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Fischer, M.; Christopoulos, D. (2021) The roles actors play in policy networks: central positions in strongly institutionalized fields, Network Science, 9(2), 213-235, doi:10.1017/nws.2021.1, Institutional Repository
Kammerer, M.; Ingold, K. (2023) Actors and issues in climate change policy: the maturation of a policy discourse in the national and international context, Social Networks, 75, 65-77, doi:10.1016/j.socnet.2021.08.005, Institutional Repository
Kammerer, M.; Ingold, K.; Dupuis, J. (2021) Switzerland. International commitments and domestic drawbacks, In: Climate governance across the globe. Pioneers, leaders and followers, 235-256, doi:10.4324/9781003014249-16, Institutional Repository
Glaus, A.; Mosimann, M.; Röthlisberger, V.; Ingold, K. (2020) How flood risks shape policies: flood exposure and risk perception in Swiss municipalities, Regional Environmental Change, 20(4), 120 (17 pp.), doi:10.1007/s10113-020-01705-7, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Gavilano, A. (2020) Under what conditions does an extreme event deploy its focal power? Toward collaborative governance in Swiss flood risk management, In: Bynander, F.; Nohrstedt, D. (Eds.), Collaborative crisis management. Inter-organizational approaches to extreme events, 132-147, doi:10.4324/9780429244308-11, Institutional Repository
Möhring, N.; Ingold, K.; Kudsk, P.; Martin-Laurent, F.; Niggli, U.; Siegrist, M.; Studer, B.; Walter, A.; Finger, R. (2020) Pathways for advancing pesticide policies, Nature Food, 1, 535-540, doi:10.1038/s43016-020-00141-4, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Tosun, J. (2020) Special issue "public policy analysis of integrated water resource management", Water, 12(9), 2321 (7 pp.), doi:10.3390/w12092321, Institutional Repository
Weible, C. M.; Nohrstedt, D.; Cairney, P.; Carter, D. P.; Crow, D. A.; Durnová, A. P.; Heikkila, T.; Ingold, K.; McConnell, A.; Stone, D. (2020) COVID-19 and the policy sciences: initial reactions and perspectives, Policy Sciences, 53, 225-241, doi:10.1007/s11077-020-09381-4, Institutional Repository
Weible, C. M.; Ingold, K.; Nohrstedt, D.; Henry, A. D.; Jenkins-Smith, H. C. (2020) Sharpening advocacy coalitions, Policy Studies Journal, 48(4), 1054-1081, doi:10.1111/psj.12360, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M.; Ingold, K. (2020) Networks in water governance, 333 p, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-46769-2, Institutional Repository
Bodin, Ö.; Alexander, S. M.; Baggio, J.; Barnes, M. L.; Berardo, R.; Cumming, G. S.; Dee, L. E.; Fischer, A. P.; Fischer, M.; Mancilla Garcia, M.; Guerrero, A. M.; Hileman, J.; Ingold, K.; Matous, P.; Morrison, T. H.; Nohrstedt, D.; Pittman, J.; Robins, G.; Sayles, J. S. (2019) Improving network approaches to the study of complex social–ecological interdependencies, Nature Sustainability, 2(7), 551-559, doi:10.1038/s41893-019-0308-0, Institutional Repository
Herzog, L. M.; Ingold, K. (2019) Threats to common-pool resources and the importance of forums: on the emergence of cooperation in CPR problem settings, Policy Studies Journal, 47(1), 77-113, doi:10.1111/psj.12308, Institutional Repository
Lieberherr, E.; Ingold, K. (2019) Actors in water governance: barriers and bridges for coordination, Water, 11(2), 326 (17 pp.), doi:10.3390/w11020326, Institutional Repository
Sayles, J. S.; Mancilla Garcia, M.; Hamilton, M.; Alexander, S. M.; Baggio, J. A.; Fischer, A. P.; Ingold, K.; Meredith, G. R.; Pittman, J. (2019) Social-ecological network analysis for sustainability sciences: a systematic review and innovative research agenda for the future, Environmental Research Letters, 14(9), 093003 (18 pp.), doi:10.1088/1748-9326/ab2619, Institutional Repository
Metz, F.; Leifeld, P.; Ingold, K. (2018) Interdependent policy instrument preferences: a two-mode network approach, Journal of Public Policy, 39(4), 609-636, doi:10.1017/S0143814X18000181, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Moser, A.; Metz, F.; Herzog, L.; Bader, H.-P.; Scheidegger, R.; Stamm, C. (2018) Misfit between physical affectedness and regulatory embeddedness: the case of drinking water supply along the Rhine River, Global Environmental Change, 48, 136-150, doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.11.006, Institutional Repository
Cairney, P.; Fischer, M.; Ingold, K. (2018) Fracking in the UK and Switzerland: why differences in policymaking systems don’t always produce different outputs and outcomes, Policy & Politics, 46(1), 125-147, doi:10.1332/030557316X14793989976783, Institutional Repository
Metz, F.; Ingold, K. (2017) Politics of the precautionary principle: assessing actors' preferences in water protection policy, Policy Sciences, 50(4), 721-743, doi:10.1007/s11077-017-9295-z, Institutional Repository
Fischer, M.; Ingold, K.; Ivanova, S. (2017) Information exchange under uncertainty: the case of unconventional gas development in the United Kingdom, Land Use Policy, 67, 200-211, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.05.003, Institutional Repository
Dermont, C.; Ingold, K.; Kammermann, L.; Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (2017) Bringing the policy making perspective in: a political science approach to social acceptance, Energy Policy, 108, 359-368, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2017.05.062, Institutional Repository
Ingold, K.; Fischer, M.; Cairney, P. (2016) Drivers for policy agreement in nascent subsystems: an application of the advocacy coalition framework to fracking policy in Switzerland and the UK, Policy Studies Journal, 45(3), 442-463, doi:10.1111/psj.12173, Institutional Repository
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